
2019-12-21 programming rust dns
A review of preparing Trust-DNS for async/await in Rust
2018-12-27 programming rust postgres
A project to make Postgres extensions in Rust easy, you might learn how to use macro_rules, attribute macros, allocators and some FFI in this post
2018-07-22 programming rust
A three day tour of Yew and WASM with Rust
2018-03-18 programming rust
A brief post to help others multicast in Rust
2018-01-10 programming rust
About an opportunity for Rust, as part of the #Rust2018 request
2017-12-29 programming rust dns
Written to explain what I've done to get from 400µs to less that 100µs
2017-08-06 programming rust
A story about grokking Generics in Rust
2017-06-30 programming rust dns
Fun with the new TRust-DNS Resolver, and generally an update on the progress of the project
2016-12-03 programming rust dns
Written to explain why I paused feature development of TRust-DNS to focus on implementing futures-rs and tokio-rs support
2016-08-21 programming rust dns
This post is not meant to teach you Rust or DNS. It's more of a journal about some things I've found interesting while developing a DNS client and server in Rust
2015-08-13 programming rust
Finite state machines should be a foundation upon which Software Engineers build complex systems. In this post I want to show how Rust's enum type supports building FSM's in a very simple and elegant manner.
2015-06-23 programming
I decided to make this a three part piece. The first one concerns componentization and following good practices when building software as an argument for Software Engineering as a legitimate Engineering field. The second covers proper testing that all Software Engineers should be following. In this post I'll talk about Development and Operations, i.e. DevOps.
2015-06-12 programming
I decided to make this a three part piece. The first one is here if you're interested in reading it. It concerns componentization and following good practices when building software as an argument for Software Engineering as a legitimate Engineering field. In this post I'm going to cover proper testing that all Software Engineers should be following. The final post is on DevOps
2015-06-08 programming
I decided to make this a three part piece. This one is about components and modularization, the next about testing, and then I will have a final one on development and operations.
2015-05-14 java rust programming